We are what we learn and forget

This is about identity and having a meaningful life.

Margaret Hamilton

Margaret Hamilton

We keep learning anytime anywhere: at work, reading news, on social media, talking to a friend or doing a side project.

But most of us stop taking notes and revisiting these notes after going to college.


Knowledge == Narrative → Meaningful Life

Connecting ideas we learn creates meaning in our chaotic life. Maybe it is an illusion, but it still works as meaningful.

La Grande Bellezza Analysis - Storytelling, e solo un trucco




Do we really remember everything we learned that is relevant to us? And forget what is not relevant?

I see an image and all of a sudden I find meaning. That is what art is all about, about remembering what we believed and forgot. New vs Nostalgia.


Sparks of ideas that need to capture ASAP

Embrace the inherent chaos of living modern life with constant stimulus and inspiration during the day. You can’t plan the muses will come to you, but you need a system to make the most of them.